Enabling people and organizations to achieve more, connect better, and be more successful
AcuMax has been helping clients unravel the mystery of people for over ten years. It is the only assessment that objectively measures and reports on human wiring. With straightforward reporting that reduces learning time with a team that provides the gold standard in client service.
minutes to complete the survey
years of psychometric experience
of clients renew services
of partnerships average 10+ years
minutes to complete the survey
of clients renew services
years of psychometric experience
of partnerships average 10+ years
Make the right hire every time.
The science behind our reports lets you know how a person is naturally wired. It helps take the guesswork out of hiring. It gives you the data you need to build successful teams. The AcuMax clear, concise, and actionable reports let you know whether the person you are hiring is the right fit for the job, so you do not have to stress about filling the same position over and over.
Awards and Certifications
Want to learn more about hiring and team dynamics? Check out our Resources.
Our resources section contains information about a wide variety of topics like improving productivity, having better interviews, team engagement, corporate culture and more.
You can also purchase the Unraveling the Mystery of People by AcuMax Founder, Jay Hawreluk, to take a deeper dive into the wiring that makes you, you!
How to Conduct an Effective and Informative Job Interview
Interviews can be a great tool to help ensure you’re hiring the right candidate, but you’ll only get as much from them as you put into them. To conduct an informative job interview, you must do the legwork in advance to create a structure and interview environment...
Why Your Organization’s Hiring Approach Should Focus on Candidate’s Skills
Is your company ignoring a huge pool of available candidates when sourcing your open roles? Your organization might be missing out on hiring the right person for the role by not taking a “skills-first” approach to hiring. The term ‘skills first’ means that your hiring...
5 keys to having a profitable title operation in 2023
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