Interviews can be a great tool to help ensure you’re hiring the right candidate, but you’ll only get as much from them as you put into them. To conduct an informative job interview, you must do the legwork in advance to create a structure and interview environment...
Why Your Organization’s Hiring Approach Should Focus on Candidate’s Skills
Is your company ignoring a huge pool of available candidates when sourcing your open roles? Your organization might be missing out on hiring the right person for the role by not taking a “skills-first” approach to hiring. The term ‘skills first’ means that your hiring...
The Best Hiring Assessments Have These 3 Things
Deciding between assessments to use for hiring can seem like a daunting task, and there are a lot of options to choose from! There are different kinds of assessments, and not all employment assessments are truly meant for hiring. When evaluating which hiring...
AI Video Interviews May Be Unreliable and Hurt Diversity
One of the latest trends in HR is using artificial intelligence (AI) to conduct video job interviews. These AI video interview software tools claim they can help employers by weeding through the candidates for them and creating recommendations. There are a handful of...