
AcuMax on Kevin Downey’s Podcast

AcuMax on Kevin Downey’s Podcast

Jay Hawreluk, Founder and CEO of AcuMax Index High turnover across all industries continues to disrupt workplaces, and for good reason. Losing and replacing workers is time-consuming and costly. According to the Society for Human Resource Management, it costs 6 to 9...

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The Best Hiring Assessments Have These 3 Things

The Best Hiring Assessments Have These 3 Things

Deciding between assessments to use for hiring can seem like a daunting task, and there are a lot of options to choose from! There are different kinds of assessments, and not all employment assessments are truly meant for hiring. When evaluating which hiring...

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Inspection Pros Podcast

Check us out on the Inspection Pros Podcast featuring Jay Hawreluk! YouTube – Spotify – Apple Podcasts –...

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