“We use it for management selection and development…communication has improved…there’s greater understanding and awareness…critical for leaders.”
Michael Ebaugh, Corporate Director, Talent Assessment, Organizational Development, Beaumont Hospital explains how AcuMax helps with manager hiring and development.
“Largely we use the AcuMax Index for manager hiring and development. When someone is hired we then share their AcuMax Profile results with them. We use that in our new manager orientation process. With AcuMax, communication has improved. Where there may have been friction, there’s now greater understanding. People are able to listen, understand, reach out, get their own needs met, as well as the other person’s need met. I think that’s the difference. All organizational development starts on an individual basis. AcuMax encourages self-awareness, which is the precursor to any kind of emotional intelligence, and is really critical for leaders.” [divider style=”default” color=”#E7E7E7″] To learn more about how the AcuMax Index® can help your organization to identify and match highly-motivated candidates with the perfect employment position, we invite you to Contact Us or call us today at 844-228-6291. The AcuMax Index is helping organizations of all sizes to hire with confidence, dramatically increasing retention and improving performance.