The Low D Perspective
Low D’s favor the “big picture,” they prefer not to be caught up in or receive too much detail, are adaptable, can be creative in their approaches to problem solving and enjoy an environment with limited structure and minimal rules that do not constrict their behavior.
Low D wiring patterns like to come up with new ideas and new projects and tend to be strategists. They are good at recognizing patterns and adapting solutions from one problem to solving another. But while they are motivated to outline in a general sense what needs to be done, this individual can be limited or frustrated when required to fill in the details or to develop the intricate processes that will work best. The latter is better developed by High D profiles which tend to be more tactical and give greater attention to details.
Low D’s have a low tolerance for busy work, filling out forms or complying with the requirements of red tape. Those are seen as obstacles to their creativity or productivity inhibitors. While Low D’s appreciate the need for rules and the structure they provide – they prefer that the rules not always be applicable to them or that rule exceptions should apply to the circumstances they are facing.
Low D’s can be risk takers, but not in the sense of being foolhardy or willing to risk it all for the chance of a minimal return. Instead, Low D’s tend to think out-of-the-box and sometimes push the envelope of what the rules will allow in the context of “what is the worst that could happen” in this scenario.
If you are managing a Low D, please consider the following:
1. Set limitations on the Low D person. The creativity of the drive may offer solutions which lack practical applications. Focus the Low D to temper their out-of-the-box solutions to work within the constraints of what is possible under the circumstances. And remind Low D’s of hard and fast rules that must be adhered to without exception.
2. Use Low D’s to provide perspective. Low D’s can bring a big picture thinker’s perspective to High D’s, who are caught up in the process. Such overthinking can lead to diminishing returns by High D profiles. Low D‘s often think in “what if’s” which challenge the status quo.
3. Encourage Low D individuals to use illustrative examples when communicating to High D profiles. Low D’s tend to filter communication requirements through their profile’s requirements and often provide minimal detail. High D’s find this communication style to be inadequate and lacking in context. By providing examples, Low D’s can fill in the informational blanks without getting to the level of explanation that they find challenging to provide.
Low D and High D are complementing profiles. If you were to go on a long road trip to multiple destinations – you would be best served with both a map and a reliable means of travel. Think of the High D as the map that focuses on the details such as the mileage, the stops and the route to be taken and the Low D as the car or other means of transportation to be selected which takes you there. The best workplaces need both.