The relationship that an employee has with their boss impacts their job satisfaction, performance, retention, productivity and more. However, some leaders function as a manager while others who drive high-performing teams act as a coach. How do you know which one you are? Managers are bosses who focus on things like administration, budgeting, planning and who may be subject matter experts or have many years in the field. Managers focus on the performance of the team as a whole, rather than the individuals who comprise the team.
Coaches lead and support the members of their team, looking to develop and grow the people on the team instead of only focusing on the team’s output. A coach is there to help facilitate the success of their teammates and uses their position to advocate for their team and remove barriers. Coaches listen to their team, ask meaningful questions, provide feedback while allowing their employees to develop their own solutions, assist with the setting of goals and display empathy and understanding.
It can be difficult for managers to learn how to become coaches, but it is a skill that can be developed through data-driven leadership coaching. Personality assessments that analyze the natural wiring of the employees can help give managers meaningful data that they can use to ease their transition from manager to coach. When employees are de-energized from goals and feedback that stretch them too far from their natural wiring, they become less engaged and less productive. At AcuMax we teach a coaching process that will help you shift their focus to their natural strengths to increase productivity, and this strengths-focused approach uses their natural wiring to set individual team members up to succeed. Being focused on how each individual is wired will help take the focus from the team as a whole to the way each person contributes on the team and what goals and feedback would be most impactful to them. This person-centric approach to leadership which will help transition leaders from managers to coaches and give leaders the data they need to help them succeed in that transition.
How to Conduct an Effective and Informative Job Interview
Interviews can be a great tool to help ensure you’re hiring the right candidate, but you’ll only get as much from them as you put into them. To conduct an informative job interview, you must do the legwork in advance to create a structure and interview environment...