AcuMax is an Effective Tool for Hiring and Employee Motivation
What would your business be like if you had no 5s or 6s (out of 10) within your organization? What if every employee in your organization was an 8, a 9 or a 10? What would that do for your work and for your bottom line? What if you had the right method on how to motivate employees and that assured that every employee was in the right position, and your managers knew exactly how to manage for optimum performance? Your organization might be a very different place.
If your tools for hiring consist only of an ad hoc interview of the applicant and following up on the references that the applicant has given you, do you really expect consistent results and success? Studies show that up to 80% of current resumes contain some degree of exaggeration, if not outright fraudulent representations within, and nearly 40% of references refuse to provide information regarding the applicant.
The AcuMax Index is much more than a hiring tool. We help you to hire the right people, yes, but we also prevent you from turning your best performers into your worst managers. We identify what you need to do to motivate all of your employees, and we address and remove obstacles to communication, idea flow and the decision making process in the workplace. We improve who you hire and provide you with a roadmap to make your existing employees even better. We show you how to increase employee motivation and collaboration.
Try It!
We offer a complimentary consultation for executive teams taking the AcuMax Index together. Request a consultation for your organization. Or, try taking the AcuMax Index now.