Creating a Workforce

Scott Wiltsie AcuMax to Build a Workforce

“In the past it would take us 4 to 7 years to get people trained to the skill levels we need. Currently using AcuMax, we’re taking anywhere from 9 to 14 months…”

Specialized Workforce Development in a Small Rural Community

Scott Wiltsie, Human Resources Manager, Vanamatic

Being in manufacturing in the small town of Delphos, Ohio, it’s very difficult to find a skilled workforce. We really started the process of identifying a system, a training system that brings people into our company from the ground up and build the machinist that we need in the future to perform the work and the skills trades that we need to remain competitive. Workforce development became a critical component of our business strategy. In the past it would take us upwards of 4 to 7 years to get those people trained. Currently using AcuMax, we’re taking anywhere from 9 to 14 months. It’s been a tremendous success in the amount of time, efficiency and effectiveness that we’ve used with our training programs by getting the right people in there. We’re a 60-year-old business. Currently we’re standing at record revenue, record sales. We’ve hired a tremendous amount of new employees based on increased sales, profitability and performance and an integral part of that has been AcuMax.

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To learn more about how the AcuMax Index® can help your organization to identify and match highly-motivated candidates with the perfect employment position, we invite you to Contact Us or call us today at 844-228-6291.

The AcuMax Index is helping organizations of all sizes to hire with confidence, dramatically increase retention and improve performance and community workforce development.


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