Coaching and Counseling

coaching and counseling

“…communication between staff members in all different states has improved…use the tool to coach and counsel teams and mentor new employees.”

Deanna Tafelski, EDSI, shares how AcuMax is used for coaching and counseling to improve communication and better manage a team.

“Communication between staff members has improved and so has conflict resolution. We use AcuMax to coach and counsel when there’s an issue going on between two staff members, or a manager and a staff member. We use AcuMax as a tool to coach and counsel them, and to mentor new employees. We are doing Career Sculpting where we are basically mentoring another individual, or a couple individuals in the company. We use AcuMax from the beginning to guide the individual’s Career Sculptors. We also have the representative’s AcuMax Profile on hand so we can make sure our communication is going well throughout the whole Career Sculpting process, which can be a year or two years. Working with AcuMax really leads to more effective communication. We are using AcuMax in our Functional Improvement Teams. We call them FIT and we use AcuMax because it helps the diverse staff members who are all in different states, to focus on one core problem. We use AcuMax from the beginning with every team member so everyone is aware of everyone’s profile. We also use it when we’re working through our issues and problems. We can refer back those AcuMax Profiles to increase communication and to better manage the team.” [divider style=”default” color=”#E7E7E7″] To learn more about how the AcuMax Index® can help your organization to identify and match highly-motivated candidates with the perfect employment position, we invite you to Contact Us or call us today at 844-228-6291. The AcuMax Index is helping organizations of all sizes to hire new employees with confidence, dramatically increasing retention and improving performance.

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