“…very simple and easy to understand, easy to use tool…allowed me to work with business owners in a different way.”
Ellen Patnaude, Business Coach, describes how she uses AcuMax to benefit her clients.
“I was looking for a tool that I could use with clients to help me understand them better so that I would be more effective in my coaching of them. AcuMax is a very simple and easy to understand, easy to use tool, and so having it as part of my practice has allowed me to work with business owners in a different way. It’s allowed me to take my coaching with them to a different level, because I’m able to not only relate to them around the matters of their business, but I’m able to talk with them around changes they might want to consider making based on adjustments they make to aspects of their profile, and how that plays out in their day to day work and their business. I’ve recommended it to a number of small companies that I work with, I’ve also recommended it to my own parent brand to consider taking it on as our formal assessment in place of DISC. I continue to recommend it to different companies as the opportunity arises.” [divider style=”default” color=”#E7E7E7″] To learn more about how the AcuMax Index® can help your organization to identify and match highly-motivated candidates with the perfect employment position, we invite you to Contact Us or call us today at 844-228-6291. The AcuMax Index is helping organizations of all sizes to hire with confidence, dramatically increasing retention and improving performance.