“It’s been an excellent tool all the way around for us. We see much lower turnover as a result of this in the firms.”
Hire High Performers, Lower Turnover
Robert Holland, Ph.D., Chairman, Vistage Michigan – Private Advisory Boards for CEOs, Executives and Business Owners
We’ve seen several things happening from using the AcuMax tool. One is identifying the right people for the right jobs. We call that in the Jim Collin’s fashion of getting the right people on the bus and getting them in the right seats in the bus.
To do this we can use the AcuMax tool for developing a job profile, and when we do, we identify the strengths of the individual, and what they can play upon for the role that the organization wants them in. We see much lower turnover as a result of this in the firms.
We’ve sometimes seen turnover reduced by as much as 30 to 50%. We’ve also seen that our selection of candidates for chairs within Vistage has been much more substantial. Having chairs with higher quality experience, greater passion towards the culture of what we deliver in Vistage and being in that role for a much longer period of time rather that the trial and error approach that we used to use within Vistage.
It’s been an excellent tool all the way around for us.
To learn more about how the AcuMax Index® can help your organization to identify and hire high performance employees, we invite you to Contact Us or call us today at 844-228-6291.
The AcuMax Index is helping organizations of all sizes to hire with confidence, dramatically increasing retention and improving performance.