Everybody gets things done! Everyone can do multiple types of work
So what is the real difference between Low C and High C work styles? It’s all in the brain. The wiring for the brain of a Low C profile is such that the individual does not have to button down one thing before moving onto the next. The Low C can jump from task to task without losing productivity or focus. The wiring for the High C brain is just the opposite. High C wiring is such that the person is driven to button down one task before moving onto another. The reason is that part of the High C brain is still thinking about what should have been buttoned down. When not given that ability, the High C profile is not as productive as energy is being spent on what should have been buttoned down.
Type C’s work environment preferences are affected by their personality. If the environment allows for some sort of completion, that usually indicates a Higher C job role – accounting, production, etc. If the environment does not – for the most part – allow for completion of one before going on to two, this usually indicates a Low C job role – outside sales, quality engineer, etc.
The other element to consider about the environment for the role – is it predictable (not routine, but an environment where the person can work sequentially) or unpredictable (an environment that is filled with unknown interruptions and disturbances).
Understanding the correct positioning of the C drive in Position Profiles in relation to task completion and predictability of the environment substantially improves employee alignment and success. This helps you understand the jobs for Type C personality individuals. For information about an upcoming webinar on C Drive applications, please contact admin@acumaxindex.com.