Awareness of Wiring Helps Leadership Team Development
We gave a presentation recently to a senior leadership team of a large insurance company considering leadership team development. The senior leadership team consists of individuals who were “no-holds barred, communicate at all costs, and leave no stone unturned, nor any bodies in the wake individuals within their organization.
When we conducted this sort of a presentation, we learned that one of the members of the leadership team, the most recent hiree, was not this type of individual. He felt very constrained during the meetings to speak up and to deliver his opinions. They were actually losing the contributions of a very professional individual who’d been a leader within his industry for some 35 years, but a new member to their organization.
He felt constrained to speak up during meetings. He said that typical meetings often involved members raising their voices, pounding their fists on the table, the breakage of glass and chairs being overturned, after which the members would simply slap high-fives and say, “Wasn’t that a great meeting?” Well that wasn’t the type of meeting that he would be best interactive within. He needed an atmosphere where there was a team environment, where people could go forward and feel like their contributions were being held and valued.
After AcuMax training, he saw that this atmosphere that he was experiencing wasn’t real. It was more like professional wrestling. The blood was fake, nobody got hurt and everybody went home afterwards and felt like they can move forward. That’s one of the “ah-ha” moments that AcuMax can provide to a client who needs to understand more about themselves as much as they need to understand their employees. Companies that go on to engage AcuMax for leadership team development find ways to integrate all of the talent available in a positive way.
The AcuMax Index is much more than a hiring tool. By understanding the human wiring and team leadership style of everyone in the company, managers, employees and senior executives alike can benefit from better communication, understanding, flow of ideas and decision-making.
Try It!
We offer a complimentary consultation for executive teams taking the AcuMax Index together. Request a consultation for your organization to learn more about different leadership styles. Or, try taking the AcuMax Index now.