It is an Employer’s Market Again
Over the last ten years, the U.S. has been in an ever-tightening labor market. Job openings were plentiful, but candidates were in short supply. That was reflected in the average number of days it was taking employers to fill open positions: from 26 days in 2009 to 42 days in 2019.
Now, things have changed.
In a short three months, the U.S. has gone from a declared unemployment rate of 3.6% to a real unemployment rate topping 22%. And, that number is growing. Over 36.5 million have been laid off or let go since the start of the COVID 19 outbreak. Many companies are partially operational, temporarily shut down or now permanently out of business. This will change the labor market dramatically going forward and present opportunities for employers in the coming months.
Now is the time to start thinking about staffing changes. Who to bring back, what positions need more attention and how to fill open roles? You probably won’t have a lot of time to juggle the task of hiring while trying to reopen or scale up your business and need to get it right the first time. AcuMax will save you time and money during the rehiring process and bring equity into the decision of who to hire back based on preferential wiring. Take advantage of our unlimited assessment pricing and consultant availability as you work your way back to business as usual. If you need help in evaluating employees, teams, candidates, or positions, please contact us for assistance.