Jul 24, 2015 | Client Success Stories
“…helped us to figure out why we were always fighting…it was just that we are wired differently…it helped us to be more respectful and understand each other.” Murray Percival, III, General Manager of the Murray Percival Company discusses...
Jul 21, 2015 | Client Success Stories
“…communication within the organization has improved significantly. That translates down to a more effective organization…the right people in the right positions…” Richard Siem, Executive Vice President of Michigan Petroleum Technologies,...
Jul 18, 2015 | Client Success Stories
“It’s a fast-paced environment…now that we have the right people in the key spots, everything has improved.” Will Wallace, Manager at SAT Plating, describes how having the right people in key positions has helped the company’s bottom...
Jul 17, 2015 | Client Success Stories
“…all the candidates that matched the position profiles have been great fits…it’s been the most successful test we’ve used yet.” Melissa Hattle, Human Resources Generalist and Recruiter for the Orlans Group explains how her company...
Jul 15, 2015 | Client Success Stories, Talent Development
“…the tool allows me to quickly filter, analyze and recommend…for employee training, development, career pathing, and leadership opportunities…” Kris Davidson, Talent Specialist, MRM Worldwide Advertising Agency, explains how AcuMax...