"...helped us to figure out why we were always fighting...it was just that we are wired differently...it helped us to be more respectful and understand each other." Murray Percival, III, General Manager of the Murray Percival Company discusses how AcuMax has been the...
Client Success Stories
Business Coaching Tool
"...very simple and easy to understand, easy to use tool...allowed me to work with business owners in a different way." Ellen Patnaude, Business Coach, describes how she uses AcuMax to benefit her clients. “I was looking for a tool that I could use with clients to...
Highly Effective Teams
"...looking at a job or position change, I can see that this person fits the position and [what] the needs are of the position...it's very logically done, in a very easy to read format..." Randy Brodzik, President of RedViking Engineering explains how he used the...
Importance of Organizational Effectiveness
"...communication within the organization has improved significantly. That translates down to a more effective organization...the right people in the right positions..." Richard Siem, Executive Vice President of Michigan Petroleum Technologies, explains how using...
Highly Engaged Teams
"What sets AcuMax apart is the technology...able to produce different reports...the average pattern report allows me to make quick decisions without getting lost in the individual profile data." Chris McCollum, Special Programs Advisor at AcuMax, Inc. explains how...
Team Communication
"We were having difficulty with our small staff communicating and decided to investigate why...It was really enlightening." Denise Fournier-Tudor, Director of Marketing at Aeroseal explains how they began using AcuMax to better communicate and make decisions as...
Better Bottom Line
"It's a fast-paced environment...now that we have the right people in the key spots, everything has improved." Will Wallace, Manager at SAT Plating, describes how having the right people in key positions has helped the company’s bottom line. "We're a...
Accurate New Hire Fit
"...all the candidates that matched the position profiles have been great fits...it's been the most successful test we've used yet." Melissa Hattle, Human Resources Generalist and Recruiter for the Orlans Group explains how her company has used AcuMax to accurately...
Coaching and Counseling
"...communication between staff members in all different states has improved...use the tool to coach and counsel teams and mentor new employees." Deanna Tafelski, EDSI, shares how AcuMax is used for coaching and counseling to improve communication and better manage a...
Identify Critical Talent
"...the tool allows me to quickly filter, analyze and recommend...for employee training, development, career pathing, and leadership opportunities..." Kris Davidson, Talent Specialist, MRM Worldwide Advertising Agency, explains how AcuMax helped improve communication,...